Have you ever wondered how to become a cryptocurrency investor? With Anabloc you will hit the ground running, saving you huge amounts of time and effort in trying to work it out yourself. Anabloc is a cryptocurrency education service that explains, demystifies, and walks you step by step through the process of getting into the cryptocurrency space Learn More
More and more people are realising the value of Bitcoin as an inherent store of wealth. Bitcoin is proving itself to be a resilient and lucrative alternative asset class. There is also huge potential in other decentralised crypto-technologies. However for many people knowing where to start is still a roadblock. This is where Anabloc comes in Learn More
Anabloc runs regular 4 hour on-site workshops for small groups of interested investors in Auckland. Groups are limited to a maximum of 10 people. By the end of the workshop you will have the tools and knowledge to get off to a confident start Learn More
The more I come to understand about crypto currencies and block chain technology the more significant it becomes for the future. Marcus is great. Anabloc really got me going with clear, straight forward advice and tuition - Lachlan G.
Workshop Calendar
Click on the event in the calendar to see times and locations of workshops.
To make a booking please register.
Marcus and Anabloc have patiently guided me through the first stages of starting in the cryptocurrency market. After only a few weeks I feel really confident and I'm really enjoying it. I just wish I had started when he first suggested. Susa W.